NL Digital | Most inspiring women in Tech 2021

The 5th of October was diversity day and NL Digital published their list of the most inspiring women in Tech.

I am very proud that I am part of this great list with all these other power women! Women who are committed to support more diversity and inclusion in the IT and Tech sector. Check out the complete list here!

With this list, NL Digital wants to give more visibility to inspiring women in the sector, because they believe in the power of role models. I personally believe in this very strongly. So that other women can see what the options are and what opportunities there are.

“My mission is to help and empower women in IT to successfully build their careers and get the most out of themselves! To dare to dream and to be able to stand in their power with confidence!”

Also, I always like to help women and young girls if they have questions or if they are looking for a sounding board. I myself was very young when I went into IT and started my entrepreneurial journey. I would have loved it if I had had someone at the time who could help me with the challenges and issues I encountered.

Would you like to exchange ideas or brainstorm about the issues you run into? Then contact me directly for a free introduction meeting of brainstorm session!

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